Global Original Equipment PCLT Tire Market Forecasts to 2026

1 Sep 2022

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- Whilst demand for new cars in Europe picked up significantly in 2021, the recovery in the volume of new vehicles produced - and therefore the original equipment tire market - was held back by shortages in the supply chain, specifically semiconductors. Shortages have continued in 2022, compounded by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and this has delayed the recovery in the OE tire market. Whilst the impact of supply chain issues is now lessening, vehicle demand in the region is now expected to be affected by sharply higher inflation.
- This report is provided as a PowerPoint briefing, giving a detailed review of the developments in the European original equipment PCLT tire market and forecasts for the period to 2026.
- The Excel data-pack contains detailed data on PCLT OE tire volumes by region (Greater China, Rest of Asia Pacific, North America, Southern & Central America, Europe, Middle East & Africa) and country from 2016 and forecasts to 2026.
- The data-pack also includes forecasts of new light vehicle registrations by country to 2026
- Country coverage includes Asia Pacific: China, Japan, India, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia Pacific; Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Russia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Italy, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden, Rest of Europe; North America: USA, Canada, Mexico; South & Central America: Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South & Central America.


1.0 Global Strategic Overview
Fig 1 Global Light Vehicle Registrations by Region 2019-2021
Fig 2 Global Light Vehicle Registrations by Region Forecast to 2026
Fig 3 Impact of CASE Trends on Future Tire Demand
2.0 Global Original Equipment Tire Market Forecasts to 2026
Fig 4 Global Original Equipment Tire Segment in the PCLT Tire Market, Forecast to 2026
Fig 5 Global Original Equipment and Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Country, Forecast 2026
Fig 6 Original Equipment Share in PCLT Tire Volumes by Country, Forecast 2026
Fig 6 Original Equipment Share in PCLT Tire Volumes by Region, Forecast 2026
Fig 8 Global OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2019-2021
Fig 9 Global OE PCLT Tire Volume by Region Forecast to 2026
Fig 10 Global OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country Forecast to 2026
Fig 11 Share of Global OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2026
3.0 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Registrations & Production Forecasts to 2026
Fig 12 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Registrations by Country Forecast to 2026
Fig 13 Quarterly Change in New Registrations by Country to Q2-2022
4.0 Asia Pacific Original Equipment Tire Market Forecasts to 2026
Fig 14 Asia Pacific Original Equipment Tire Segment in the PCLT Tire Market, Forecast to 2026
Fig 15 Asia Pacific Original Equipment and Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Country, Forecast 2026
Fig 16 Original Equipment Share in PCLT Tire Volumes by Country, Forecast 2026
Asia Pacific OE Tire Market Development
Asia Pacific OE Tire Market Developments by Vehicle Manufacturer
Fig 17 Asia Pacific OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2019-2021
Fig 18 Asia Pacific OE PCLT Tire Volume by Region Forecast to 2026
Fig 19 Asia Pacific OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country Forecast to 2026
Asia Pacific OE Tire Market Development by Country (China, Taiwan)
Asia Pacific OE Tire Market Development by Country (Japan, South Korea)
Asia Pacific OE Tire Market Development by Country (India, Pakistan)
Asia Pacific OE Tire Market Development by Country (Thailand, Indonesia)
Asia Pacific OE Tire Market Development by Country (Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines)
Fig 20 Share of Asia Pacific OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2026
5.0 Americas Light Vehicle Registrations & Production Forecasts to 2026
Fig 21 Quarterly Change in New Registrations by Country to Q2-2022
Fig 22 Americas Light Vehicle Registrations by Country Forecast to 2026
6.0 Americas Original Equipment Tire Market Forecasts to 2026
Fig 23 Americas Original Equipment Tire Segment in the PCLT Tire Market, Forecast to 2026
Fig 24 Americas Original Equipment and Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Country, Forecast 2026
Fig 25 Original Equipment Share in PCLT Tire Volumes by Country, Forecast 2026
Americas OE Tire Market Development
Americas OE Tire Market Developments by Vehicle Manufacturer
Fig 26 Americas OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2019-2021
Fig 27 Americas OE PCLT Tire Volume by Region Forecast to 2026
Fig 28 Americas OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country Forecast to 2026
Americas OE Tire Market Development by Country (US, Canada, Mexico)
Americas OE Tire Market Development by Country (Brazil, Argentina)
Fig 29 Share of Americas OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2026
7.0 European Light Vehicle Registrations & Production Forecasts to 2026
Fig 30 Quarterly Change in New Registrations by Country to Q2-2022
Fig 31 European Light Vehicle Registrations by Country Forecast to 2026
8.0 European Original Equipment Tire Market Forecasts to 2026
Fig 32 European Original Equipment Tire Segment in the PCLT Tire Market, Forecast to 2026
Fig 33 European Original Equipment and Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Country, Forecast 2026
Fig 34 Original Equipment Share in PCLT Tire Volumes by Country, Forecast 2026
European OE Tire Market Development
European OE Tire Market Developments by Vehicle Manufacturer
Fig 35 European OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2019-2021
Fig 36 European OE PCLT Tire Volume by Region Forecast to 2026
Fig 37 European OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country Forecast to 2026
European OE Tire Market Development by Country (Germany, Spain, France)
European OE Tire Market Development by Country (Russia)
European OE Tire Market Development by Country (United Kingdom)
European OE Tire Market Development by Country (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
European OE Tire Market Development by Country (Italy, Hungary, Poland)
Fig 38 Share of European OE PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2026
9.0 Data Tables
Table 1 Asia Pacific Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 2 Growth in Asia Pacific Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 3 Share of Asia Pacific Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 4 Asia Pacific New Vehicle Registrations by Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 5 Americas Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 6 Growth in Americas Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 7 Share of Americas Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 8 Americas New Vehicle Registrations by Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 9 European Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 10 Growth in European Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 11 Share of European Original Equipment Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2016-2026
Table 12 European New Vehicle Registrations by Region and Country 2016-2026
10.0 Glossary and Definitions