Asia Pacific Replacement PCLT Tire Market Forecasts to 2026

2 Feb 2023

£1,495 (excl. VAT where applicable)

- Whilst the PCLT replacement tire market in the Asia Pacific region began to recover in 2021, following the sharp declines in 2020, disruption continued in 2022. This has been most notable in the region’s biggest market, China, where the strict lock-down policy and a new wave of infections limited mobility, impacting replacement tire sales. 
- This report is provided as a PowerPoint briefing, giving a detailed review of the developments in the Asia Pacific replacement PCLT tire market and forecasts for the period to 2028.
- The Excel data-pack contains detailed data on PCLT replacement tire volumes by region (Greater China, Japan & Korea, ASEAN, India, Oceania, Rest of Asia Pacific) and country from 2018 and forecasts to 2028.
- The data-pack also includes forecasts of new light vehicle registrations and light vehicle parc by country to 2028
- Country coverage: China, Japan, India, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia Pacific



1.0 Global Strategic Overview
Fig 1 Global Light Vehicle Registrations by Region 2019-2022
Fig 2 Global Light Vehicle Registrations by Region Forecast to 2028
Fig 3 Impact of CASE Trends on Future Tire Demand
2.0 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Registration & Parc Forecasts to 2028
Fig 4 Quarterly Change in New Registrations by Country to Q4-2022
Fig 5 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Registrations by Country Forecast to 2028
Fig 6 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Parc by Region Forecast to 2028
Fig 7 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Parc by Country Forecast to 2028
Fig 8 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Parc Density by Region Forecast to 2028
Fig 9 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Parc Density by Country Forecast to 2028
Fig 10 Trends in Asia Pacific Personal Mobility Indexed,  2000-2022
3.0 Asia Pacific Replacement Tire Market Forecasts to 2026
Fig 11 Asia Pacific Replacement PCLT Tire Segments in the PCLT Tire Market, Forecast to 2028
Fig 12 Asia Pacific Replacement and Original Equipment PCLT Tire Volume by Country, Forecast 2028
Fig 13 Replacement Share in PCLT Tire Volumes by Country, Forecast 2028
Fig 14 Asia Pacific Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2019-2022
Fig 15 Asia Pacific Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Region Forecast to 2028
Fig 16 Asia Pacific Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Country Forecast to 2028
Fig 17 Share of Asia Pacific Replacement PCLT Tire Volume by Country 2028
4.0 Data Tables
Table 1 Asia Pacific Replacement Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2018-2028
Table 2 Growth in Asia Pacific Replacement Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2018-2028
Table 3 Share of Asia Pacific Replacement Tire Market Demand By Region and Country 2018-2028
Table 4 Asia Pacific New Vehicle Registrations by Region and Country 2018-2028
Table 5 Asia Pacific Light Vehicle Parc by Region and Country 2018-2028
5.0 Glossary and Definitions