Yokohama Tire Market Share and Competitor Positioning Report

Yokohama's operations, performance and prospects - a detailed analysis

This report provides a detailed assessment of Yokohama Tire and its competitive positioning, with a particular focus on its operations in the global passenger car and light truck tire market.

Key data includes Yokohama's global market share in terms of value (PCLT revenues) and volume (PCLT tire units), together with market share performance in each the key regions - Americas, EMEA (Europe, Middle East Africa) and Asia Pacific. 

Operational Analysis and Benchmarking includes PCLT tire pricing analysis, comparing performance with the global market and the peer group of leading manufacturers. Additionally the report includes an evaluation of changes in the company's tire capacity by region over the period 2011-2026 and operational metrics, such as Yokohama's average plant capacity and share of capacity in low cost regions.
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Table of Contents
  • Recent Developments 4
  • 1.0 Strategic Overview 9
  • 2.0 Market Share and Competitor Analysis 17
    • 2.1 Global Market Share and Performance 9
    • 2.2 Regional Market Share 4
    • 2.3 Regional Growth Prospect to 2023 4
  • 3.0 Company Strategic Analysis 36
    • 3.1 M&A Activity and Corporate Strategy 26
      • Increase Original Equipment Tire Volumes & Expand Presence in Premium Consumer Tires 4
      • Strengthen its Presence in Key Global Markets 6
      • Expand Commercial Tires Business 6
    • 3.2 Branding Strategy and Market Positioning 3
    • 3.3 PCLT Tire Pricing Analysis 7
  • 4.0 Operational Analysis 18
    • 4.1 Production Capacity Forecast to 2023 7
    • 4.2 Average PCLT Tire Plant Capacity 3
    • 4.3 Share of PCLT Tire Capacity in Lower Cost Regions 3
    • 4.4 CAPEX and Research & Development Expenditure 5
  • 5.0 Regional Analysis 29
    • 5.1 Asia Pacific 12
      • Operations 7
      • Competitive Positioning 3
    • 5.2 Americas 8
      • Operations 3
      • Competitive Positioning 4
    • 5.3 Europe, Middle East Africa 9
      • Operations 4
      • Competitive Positioning 4
  • 6.0 Financial and Business Overview 9
    • 6.1 Product Segment Analysis 2
    • 6.2 Geographic Segment Analysis 1
    • 6.3 Quarterly Update 4
    • 6.4 Margin Analysis 2
  • 7.0 SWOT Analysis 9
    • 7.1 Strength 2
      • Diversified supply base 1
      • Large Scale Facilities 1
    • 7.2 Weakness 2
      • Plant Utilization Rates
      • Manufacturing Footprint in Higher Cost Regions 1
      • Strengthening of the Japanese Yen 1
    • 7.3 Opportunities 4
      • Growth in International Original Equipment 2
      • Entry into the Mid-Price Segment 1
      • Russia 1
    • 7.4 Threats 1
      • Growth of Chinese Manufacturers 1
      • Risks associated with the acquisition of ATG
  • 8.0 Glossary and Definitions 21
    • Peer Groups 7
      • J-E-NA 4
      • Astutus-15 3
    • Geographies
    • Higher Cost Regions and Lower Cost Regions
    • Tire & Vehicle Segments 11
    • Other Definitions 3
  • Astutus Research 1
    • We Understand Your Market
    • Detailed, Current, Accurate
    • Focused 1